Friday, 21 June 2013

Drugs & Alcohol!!!!

Well they are extremely bad for you and if you think about it if you have teenagers (not trying to hurt anyone's feeling btw) but obviously they will want to have a drink with their pals but try and think about what could be put into that drink....

I'm not here to tell you what to do just making you aware because bad things can happen and disgusting nasty people might take advantage of you or your children being morteled.


Well drugs can be good for you but that is if they a prescribed by your doctor and if you don't abuse them.

Paracetamol for example ... ordinary people might use them for headaches of sore stomachs and the other hand other people might use them to be out of their heads...

I think it is stupid and pathetic if you abuse drugs for stupid reasons. 

Anyway I think that is it...